Our Mission
Team Home Sweet Hale prides ourselves in being your go-to Real Estate Experts, however, our passion is more than just assisting our Clients achieve their Real Estate goals. We also strive to strengthen our communities with support to local businesses, local charities, and contributing to educating our locals in Real Estate know-how and other tips that help our Friends, Family and Clients thrive.
Join us in our pursuits to strengthen our Community through Charity and Education by taking part in any of our volunteer or donation opportunities we coordinate, attending our Free Seminars, Supporting the Local Businesses we feature, or just Sharing this information with your Family and Friends so they can spread the word, and the Aloha!
Our Charity Real Estate Rewards Program

Our Calendar
Home Buying 101
Free Seminar
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Abe Lee Seminars &
Team Home Sweet Hale
team with Aligned Mortgage to provide dos and don'ts of Real Estate over Tacos
Join Branch Manager
& Senior Loan Officer, Rachel Willis, &
Christina Berry, for this easy, fun & educational class